Republication of some Texts of the goddess Ta-senet-nofret in Kom Ombo Temple

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities


This article discusses the re-publication of some of the texts of goddess Ta-senet-nofret in Kom Ombo temple, as the publication of the temple which was published by Morgen, J., in his book “Catalogue des Monuments et Inscription de L’Egypte Antique, 3 vols, vienne, 1890-1905”, had several mistakes in the transcription of the texts and missed out several words and signs. Therefore, through the article, the researcher will shed light upon the mistakes found in the texts, and this will be done by re-writing the texts again, considering the fact that these texts have not been re-published in the following publications:Gutbub,A.,“Kȏm Ombo, I, Les Inscriptions de naos (sanctuaries, sale de l'ennéade, sale de l'offrandes, couloir mystérie )”, IFAO, Le caire, 1995; Bedier,S.,&Labrique, F., Kôm Ombo, II, Les inscriptions de la salle médiane et des chapelles annexes (chamber d'introduction des offrandes, chamber de l'inondation, laboratoire), IFAO, Le Caire, 2021.

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